
Showing posts from July, 2018

RAIN- Worth loving or not??

Rainy Season Whenever i hear this word, a feeling of love & relief( सुकून ) hits me, and i start feeling better. It's very obvious liking the Rainy season, as everyone likes it, bt if u don't, it means either, u r not a romantic person or u are not a Pakoda-lover.😍 I like it very much, but Wait "Is it worth-loving" ?? Let's discuss it:- There could be two perspective of The Rainy Season 1st : The noise of the rain-drops hitting the leaves and the smell of the soil during the first rain, that we all love. Rather going to work or to study, we like staying at home and spend time with our loved ones and, obviously the combo of Chai-Pakoda is like a jackpot. So, this perspective is exactly, the "Worth-loving" and one more thing, This is more like a virtual thinking.  and now, Let's come to the 2nd perspective, that's the reality. 2nd : The logging of Rain-water in our streets and localities after a heavy rain of even half an h...

Skills vs. Marks

A serious talk about ur child's future!! When we go to our relatives' or friend's house, we ask their children about their studies and then, Son, howz ur result- 80% or 90%, U topped the class or not? But, wait!! Did we ever ask them, What are ur skills, what stuffs can you do better, or What are u learning in ur school? No, we never ask them in this way!! Did u ever think of it,Why? Ok, I'll tell u. Our society is not a Male-dominating society anymore, bt now it is a Marks-dominating society.... Only Marks matter,as If u got good marks, then u are brilliant, bt if u failed or having not so good marks, then u r a But, we don't know that, Marks is only a single factor of deciding a person's efficiency....there are lots of such factors like their Thinking, perception, lifestyle, and the most important- The Skills ... I consider Skills as the most important factor because,  If anyone has Skill, he/she doesn't need any certificate to be successful...